Dana Kigali Hotel

يقدم مطعم فندق دانة كيغالي افطار و كل الوجبات

Dana Kigali Hotel Restaurant

An Arab hotel in Kigali with great Rwandan charity… What do you have to expect??

An Arab hotel in a Rwandan mood

In Rwanda, a country with extraordinary natural goods, and when we say to our guests, “Arab Hotel in Kigali,” this obligation requires that we provide our residents with a wonderful combination of meals, blends and different food cultures.
At   Dana Kigali Hotel, the restaurant is not a supplementary facility for the hotel, but rather a place that makes pleasure and joy. We welcome special requests, especially for the Arab public, where you can rest assured of the application of the standards of sweet food in accordance with the rules of Islamic law, as well as the Arab mood in coffee and tea. 

افطار حلال مطعم فندق دانة كيغالي في رواندا

Fresh natural ingredients

Vegetables and fruits in Rwanda are indeed different. This country, known as the “1,000 hill country,” enjoy one of the most suitable agricultural conditions, thanks to highly fertile muddling soil that makes farmers indispensable for harmful fertilizers, adding to the abundance of rain water and ideal weather most of the year.
The great result of all of this is that we enjoyed at the Hotel Dana of Kigali with wonderful choices inside the kitchen that include daily fresh vegetables and fruit, kitchen materials, and, of course, a special Islamic sacrifice of selection from beef and chicken.
At the brain level, it is sufficient to know that Rwanda is one of the most important exporters of Kenya’s tea and coffee exchange.

Special sessions of Kigali weather

 Dana Kigali Hotel has a wide variety of meetings and places where you can eat. The official tables of the restaurant are at the heart of the hotel park, but there are other broad options, such as any of the inner halls, the beautiful head on the first floor, or even your room if you like to be warm or private.

Whatever the mood you’re in, you’ll find higher than it at the Hotel Dana Kigali 🙂
مائدة في الهواء الطلق بفندق دانة كيغالي
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